To learn morea about our success and practice of Technology and IP Transactions, please reach out to XXXXX. Select cases below.
- Represented a major financial institution in the strategic sale of a technology operations platform valued at $70 million to another major financial institution.
- Represented global market-leading business process provider in the retail energy sector in the strategic acquisition of software and technology platform and related data and business assets, and negotiation of a multi-year business process and technology services agreement.
- Representing national provider of revenue-cycle management services to healthcare providers and hospitals in the negotiation of key technology license and services agreements valued at more than $20 million.
- Represented global packaging company in $3 billion divestiture. Shortly before the sale, we were brought in to negotiate over 50 critical technology, IP and commercial contracts necessary for the company to be up and running as of the sale. We continue to represent the company in a variety of commercial and IP matters.
- Representing global safety consulting and certification company in variety of transactional matters, including drafting and negotiating standards development, use and publishing agreements, data and content licensing agreements, consulting and services agreements and other commercial and intellectual property matters.